So.. let's do the introductions first. I'm Laylo, I am an alcoholic, addict and sufferer of generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and probably some more shit i haven't discovered yet. 'Tis great. Been clean and sober two or so years but my head has gone on holiday somewhere and forgotten to invite me.
What have i done today?
Smoked cigarettes, drank coffee, watched the last ever episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. Thought for the day: If something is worth doing, it's worth doing without Jonathan Frakes. You may be able to tell I'm not a fan. The words supercilious and twat spring to mind.
Wrote a letter to God. There was plenty of swearing, begging, bargaining etc but no pay off. I feel like the guy out of Pi who drills into his own head. It's a temptation but my drill is one of those store's own brand things, it struggles drilling jelly, bless it.
Had an idea for a screenplay; ensemble piece, could play as a comedy or a horror. Did my usual trick of thinking who i'd pitch it to instead of actually writing the damn thing.
Oh yeah, and i signed up to Blogger. For some reason i did so on a day when i have nothing to say. The ole brainpan is cooked.
Been reading Cannery Row by Steinbeck. I have a hankering to be a california hobo; drinking dodgy booze and getting into comedic scrapes with the well meaning folks of the row. Of course, the reality is that it is raining icy cold rain down the window, and the only homeless round this way are burning smack and crack daily and relieving the town's motorists of their car stereos and loose change. Still, we could play it as some enchanted idyll where folks grin to themselves whilst being robbed at knife point. 'Those good old boys down the row are up to their old tricks, bless em'. It could work, maybe.